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Dealing with Stress

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"Do you want to shift energetic patterns that keep habitual, emotional and mental stress in place?"

dealing with stressDr. Ulla Sebastian; Visioform.comdealing with stress

Stress is a natural part of life. What you understand by stress though may be quite different from your work colleague, your neighbour or your partner.

The same events, the same amount of pressure may inspire one person to get active, creative and move beyond known limits and another person to break down and get ill. In order to successfully deal with stress, you need to know your personal tolerance level.

There are stressful events that you can’t avoid such as death, conflicts, accidents, job change, moving, marriage, parenthood, sickness or money problems.

And there is the stress that is created in your mind. This self-induced stress is worries about the future, money, a loved one, loss of work, retirement to name a few. You often experience this mental stress as the feeling of being out of control.

Too much stress of this kind can cause sleeping problems, backaches or headaches or even worse, contribute to life-threatening diseases like high blood pressure and heart disease.

The key to stress is how you deal with it. Dealing with stress involves body, mind and the emotions.

A primary factor in dealing with stress that involves all those levels is your ability to relax.

There are many ways to do that. A continuous, deep and slow abdominal breathing is a vital factor for relaxation. Other well-known techniques are meditation, guided imagery or progressive relaxation of the muscles. But just even going for a walk, listening to music, reading for pleasure, talking to a friend or taking a bath often helps to deal with a stressful event.

On the body level, make sure, you get an adequate amount of rest each night, develop an exercise routine to keep your body flexible, cut down on toxicating substances like coffee, tea or cigarettes and treat your body well with balanced food.

On the mental level, develop the habit of a good time management. This is especially important for dealing with stress that is induced by increased responsibilities or having to meet deadlines in your job.

Break down large projects into small parts that you can easily oversee and handle one part at a time. Do what needs to be done first and pace other tasks according to priorities. Identify your short term, middle term and long term goals to priorities your tasks.

Develop a support network to rely on in times of need and take direct action when stress arises.

To deal with stress that is self-induced through worries about possible future events, use the image of a peaceful event to quiet down your mind and to be here and now. Your body responds to your worries about something that hasn’t happened yet the same way as it responds to outer events that actually are happening. You can use that ability of the brain to deal with stress through positive visualisations.

Get clear what YOU need to do to reduce the stress.

I offer more information and a course with more detailed suggestions of how you can deal with stress for free. Just click the link at the end of this page to get there.

Sometimes self help is not enough because underneath the stress there are energetic patterns that keep unhealthy life style patterns and belief systems in place that counter all your efforts.

If you would like professional support, I offer distance courses where I shift those energetic patterns through a broad range of healing modalities such as movement, breathing, colour or sound.

The courses will give you insight into the underlying structure of your stress and teach you techniques of how to deal better with it. The courses focus on three themes that are known stress factors: money, love and health.

With this work, I am delighted to share forty years of research and a lifelong experience of Selfgrowth and transformation with you to assist you to deal with stress faster, less painful and more effective.

Distance courses work with wave patterns that reach beyond time and space. Personal presence is not required to fully benefit from it. You can sit comfortably at home and pace the process according to your needs.

During the course, you have a community of peers in the form of a forum and chat with whom you can share your questions, goals and results to deepen and enrich your experience

The benefits of these courses for you will be to:

  • Get clear on what you want for your health, relationships, money issues, work, other areas or life in general
  • Become aware of habitual, emotional or mental stress factors

  • Gain insight into the underlying structure of those stress factors

  • Have your resonance transformed and optimised for the attitudes, thought patterns, feelings and habits that will reduce stress in your life and help you to deal effectively with your challenges

  • Develop and maintain stress reducing skills through weekly instructions

  • Have professional and peer support to deal effectively with stress

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Dr. Ulla Sebastian

Dr. Ulla Sebastian

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