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Love Addiction

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"Do you want to shift energetic patterns that hold Codependency and Love Addiction in place?"

love addiction Dr. Ulla Sebastian; Visioform.comlove addiction

Love addiction is focused on love as the solution to inner pain, loneliness and emptiness. In love addiction, the relationship or the need for romance is all consuming. Nothing else in life has equal importance. The Love addict has very intense emotions including anger, fear, hate and 'love' for the other person, and it is this extreme positive or negative intensity that differentiates love addiction from habits where we often also develop a craving for the object of desire.

An addiction usually affects and includes the body, emotions and the mind. On the physical level, our brain indeed creates a chemical, PEA that creates the thrill and excitement that we experience when we fall in love. When this person drops out of our life the body produces withdrawal symptoms such as shakiness, cramps or loss of appetite. We all may have experienced such symptoms caused by the loss of a loved one. In case of love addiction, there is also a desperate need to regain this person or relationship, accompanied by an increasing sense of guilt or shame about one's 'weakness' to let go of this person... [read more]

I offer a distance course on love for a self empowered, healthy and fulfilled life where I shift those energetic patterns through a broad range of healing modalities such as movement, breathing, colour or sound. The course will give you insight into the underlying structure of your love addiction and teach you techniques of how to overcome it. With this work, I am delighted to share forty years of research and a lifelong experience of selfgrowth and transformation with you.

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Dr. Ulla Sebastian

Dr. Ulla Sebastian

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