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Positive Thinking

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"Do you want to shift the energetic patterns that hold physical symptoms, emotional disturbances and negative belief systems in place? – Then use Positive Thinking."

positive thinkingDr. Ulla Sebastian; Visioform.compositive thinking

Positive thinking is a powerful tool for a self empowered and fulfilled life. Positive thinking help you to transform negative belief systems into positive ones, build self-confidence and self-esteem, build your mental skills and get control over our life.

Positive thinking relates to statements that you make to yourself. If you observe the stream of your thoughts, you may notice that you are constantly making statements to yourself. Many of them are judgements and negative thoughts that you have learned in childhood from our parents, teachers or peers or through painful experiences.

Positive thinking is a unique tool to counter those negative thoughts. If you get up in the morning thinking ’Another rotten day’ your day will turn out quite differently than when you get up thinking: “Another exciting day for wonderful experiences!” The reality you meet outside first gets created in your mind.

Positive thinking directly affects your conscious and subconscious mind. You can reprogram it through using positive affirmations. Follow three basic guidelines in creating your own affirmations:

1. Base your affirmations on clear, rational assessments of facts and not on a dream world. If you are struggling with getting your basic needs met, an affirmation stating: “I effortlessly meet my basic needs” will be much more effective than a statement: “I am a millionaire” although people who made it to that stage usually make good use of positive thinking.

2. State your affirmations in the present tense so that your mind knows that what you want to achieve is already happening. Present tense means: ‘I have now’ instead of ‘I would like to have‘ in some distant future.

3. Use positive words in your affirmations. An affirmation saying: “I am happy and content” will be effective while an affirmation saying: ‘I will not suffer anymore’ will have the opposite effect. The mind registers the word ‘suffer’ and neglects the ‘not … anymore’ and will do its best to create situations of suffering.

A very effective way to come up with positive affirmations that are spot on for you is to catch your negative thoughts and create their opposites. If you think ‘I will never make it’, the opposite could be ’It’s easy for me to achieve my goals’ or ‘I see mistakes as a great opportunity to find out what works for me’.

I offer books, free articles and free courses covering various themes with suggestions of how to use positive thinking in different areas of your life. Just click the link at the end of this page to get there.

If you would like professional support for strengthening your positive Self, I offer life coaching and distance courses for a self empowered and fulfilled life.

Within these courses I check the negative beliefs and emotions that create health problems, mental strains, relationship unhappiness, conflicts within the job, difficult life circumstances, or a general sense of not being able to enjoy life.

I then offer those positive affirmations that counter the negative ones and help to live a self empowered and fulfilled life.

To make positive thinking really effective, I use a broad spectrum of healing modalities to shift the energetic patterns that hold physical symptoms, emotional disturbances and negative thought patterns in place.

Shifting the underlying energetic patterns is the crucial ingredient in maintaining a positive state of mind, especially if you have deep-rooted negative cultural and family beliefs. It is the energetic patterns that create the resistance in your system to do what you know would be good for you.

With this work, I am delighted to share forty years of research, work with thousands of people from all over the world and a lifelong experience of Selfgrowth and transformation with you to assist you in using positive thinking faster, less painful and more effective.

Distance courses work with wave patterns that reach beyond time and space. Personal presence is not required to fully benefit from it. You can sit comfortably at home and pace the process according to your needs.

During the course, you have a community of peers in the form of a forum and chat with whom you can share your questions, goals and results to deepen and enrich your experience.

The benefits of these courses for you will be to:

  • Define positive intentions for your health, work, relationships, money or any other area of your life

  • Gain insight into the underlying energetic structures that keep physical problems, negative thought forms, feelings and behaviour patterns in place

  • Have your resonance transformed and optimised for the attitudes, thought patterns, feelings and behaviours that you need to live a self empowered, healthy and fulfilled life.

  • Learn new skills and develop an integrative daily practice that will nourish your mind, body and spirit through positive thinking, exercises and meditational practices

  • Enjoy professional and peer support

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Dr. Ulla Sebastian

Dr. Ulla Sebastian

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