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"Are you ready to shift from poverty consciousness to prosperity consciousness to live a self empowered and fulfilled life?"

prosperity consciousnessDr. Ulla Sebastian; Visioform.comprosperity consciousness

Prosperity Consciousness is a state of mind. It’s based on the law of physics that states "like energy attracts like energy".

Our mind and our thoughts are part of that energy which is underlying our visible world. Quantum physicists call this reality the quantum field. The practical application of this basic law of physics is that we can attract into our life with our mind and our thoughts what we focus on.

This process happens all the time but mostly we are doing it unconsciously. We can train our mind to consciously focus on prosperity.

Do you wonder how?

First, you need to be clear what prosperity means to YOU. For one person, it could mean money in the bank, for another owning property, for yet another to be able to stay home. It's important that you understand what your definition of prosperity is, since you're bringing it to yourself with your consciousness.

If you have no idea just imagine somebody hands you a suitcase with a million dollars. What would you do with it? Think about it carefully. The million pieces of paper are not important. Important is what you would do with it.

If you know what you would do with it, you then can create a vivid image in your mind that engages all your senses.

If you want to build your own house, just imagine going through the rooms looking at the curtains and the pictures, smelling the flowers in the corner, feeling the warm sunshine coming in through the glass windows, touching the marble on the window sills. Just feel yourself being the owner of this house, see it, smell it, touch it, know it. In this way, you give it life through the power of your consciousness.

Knowing what you want is only one part within the process of making your prosperity consciousness work for you. You also need to make sure that all parts of you are aligned towards the same goal.

If your mind creates this image and your self esteem keeps saying: “Well, I will not make it anyhow”, or “There isn’t enough for everybody”, you will not succeed. A part of you is hooked to poverty consciousness that believes in scarcity, failure, limitations, hard times or depression.

These attitudes and thought forms are deep-rooted as they are part of the Western culture. You cannot shift them by just ignoring or negating them. You may not even be aware that they exist in your subconscious and annihilate the efforts of your mind to draw prosperity into your life.

So how then can you make sure that all your parts are working towards the same goal?

First you need to identify thought forms, feelings and habits that prevent prosperity in your life and shift yourself out of resonance with it. Then you create resonance with all the beliefs, attitudes and habits that will make you prosperous.

I offer a free course on how to shift from poverty consciousness to abundance in your life Just click the link at the bottom.

Becoming conscious of your habits, thoughts and feelings about money is a first important step but often not enough to really shift the deep-rooted energetic patterns that hold the attitudes, beliefs and feelings of lack and scarcity in place.

If you would like professional support for developing prosperity habits that work, check out the distance course on Money and Abundance.

I offer insights into the underlying structure of problems, inspirational information, affirmations, exercises and suggestions of how to increase your income and spend and invest your money wisely.

With this work, I am delighted to share forty years of research, work with thousands of people from all over the world and a lifelong experience of Selfgrowth and transformation with you to assist you in achieving prosperity consciousness faster, less painful and more effective.

Distance courses work with wave patterns that reach beyond time and space. Personal presence is not required to fully benefit from it. You can sit comfortably at home and pace the process according to your needs.

During the course, you have a community of peers in the form of a forum and chat with whom you can share your questions, goals and results to deepen and enrich your experience.

The benefit of this course for you will be to:

  • Establish a prosperity consciousness that will have benefits for all areas of your life

  • Define positive intentions for your money, inner sense of prosperity or any other area of your life that is connected with it

  • Gain insight into the underlying energetic structures that prevent you from getting what you want

  • Have your resonance transformed and optimised for the attitudes, thought patterns, feelings and habits that will draw prosperity in your life

  • Learn new skills how to look after what you already got and how to expand that

  • Develop an integrative daily practice that will nourish your mind, body and spirit through positive affirmations, exercises and meditational practices

  • Enjoy professional and peer support

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Dr. Ulla Sebastian

Dr. Ulla Sebastian

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