About Ulla Sebastian

"Clarify and live your soul purpose - personal growth & emotional / spiritual healing through holographic repatterning, distance seminars, books, consultancy and workshops."

Ulla Sebastian - VisioformDr. Ulla Sebastian; Visioform.com

Hi, my name is Dr. Ulla Sebastian. I am an author, trainer and psychotherapist.

I support people through books, articles, workshops, life coaching and distance courses to live a self empowered, healthy and meaningful life.

I use a technology that integrates a vast spectrum of knowledge into a simple working model that can be understood and worked with in a short time. It's based on shifting energetic patterns, which are holding physical symptoms, emotional disturbances and mental belief systems in place.

I also provide instructions that support people to discover their life purpose, to access their inner resources, to recognise and transform negative life patterns and to develop and strengthen their positive Self.

Working with this integral technology makes people's journey faster, less painful and more effective.

I provide information in English on this website www.visioform.com and in German on my websites www.visioform.com/de, www.fernkurse-fuers-leben.de and www.ulla-sebastian.de

To access a page within this web site please click on one of the following links:

Abusive relationships - Abusive relationships are about power and control rather than respect and love. Abusive relationships are quite common but not easily recognised as the abusive patterns fit the cultural myth of romantic love... [read more]

Building self-esteem - Building self esteem and self confidence is crucial for a self empowered, healthy and fulfilled life... [read more]

Co-dependency - Co-dependency refers to an obsessive need for affection, attention and affirmation. ... [read more]

Codependency - Codependent people get easily drawn into the pain and problems of others, feel responsible to help people solve their problems while ignoring their own, look outside themselves for meaning, identity and value... [read more]

Codependent Relationships - Codependent relationships are predominantly the domain of women who are engaging in personal relationships with someone who needs help and support. ... [read more]

Consciousness - Consciousness heals. We know that since Freud’s time. Consciousness allows those parts that got repressed, denied and 'forgotten‘ to be recovered so that you can become more whole... [read more]

Coping with depression - Depression is more than that sense of feeling "down" or discouraged at times when things are not going well... [read more]

Coping with stress - Stress is a natural part of life. What you understand by stress though may be quite different from your work colleague, your neighbour or your partner.... [read more]

Daily affirmations - Daily affirmations are a powerful tool for a self empowered and fulfilled life.... [read more]

Dealing with depression - Depression is more than that sense of feeling "down" or discouraged at times when things are not going well... [read more]

Dealing with stress - Stress is a natural part of life. What you understand by stress though may be quite different from your work colleague, your neighbour or your partner... [read more]

Emotional abuse - Emotional abuse is about power and control. Emotional abuse is more subtle than physical abuse as there are no obvious signs like broken bones or black eyes... [read more]

Emotional stress - Emotional Stress is this feeling of being overwhelmed by the tasks of life, losing control or worrying about the future... [read more]

Energetic healing - Energetic Healing is based on quantum physics. From that point of view, any disease, emotional disturbance, conflict or mental problem can be defined as a disruption or distortion within the informational energy field... [read more]

Holographic repatterning - Holographic Repatterning®, developed by Chloe Wordsworth, is a process that makes it possible to create positive change in any area of your life where you experience limitation... [read more]

Improving self esteem - Improving self esteem and self confidence is crucial for a self empowered, healthy and fulfilled life... [read more]

Life coaching - Life Coaching is about YOUR LIFE: Your goals, your dreams, your fulfilment and how to achieve it... [read more]

Life purpose - Do you have a life purpose? Are you aware of your goals and dreams and do you know how to achieve them?... [read more]

Life skills training - Life skills training is something everybody needs. You hardly learn any life skills in school... [read more]

Love addiction - Love addiction is focused on love as the solution to inner pain, loneliness and emptiness. In love addiction, the relationship or the need for romance is all consuming. Nothing else in life has equal importance... [read more]

Midlife passage - Midlife passage is a time where the roads of options narrow. It is a time of transition that brings with it physical changes and new responsibilities such as caring for younger children, grandchildren, or older parents... [read more]

Money and abundance - Money for most people is associated with lack, scarcity and stress. Stress around money can ruin the quality of your life... [read more]

Overcoming abuse - Abuse is about power and control instead of respect and love. Abuse involves an abuser and a victim... [read more]

Overcoming depression - Depression is more than that sense of feeling "down" or discouraged at times when things are not going well... [read more]

Positive affirmations - Positive Affirmations are a powerful tool for a self empowered and fulfilled life... [read more]

Positive thinking - Positive thinking help you to transform negative belief systems into positive ones, build self-confidence and self-esteem, build your mental skills and get control over our life... [read more]

Prosperity consciousness - Prosperity Consciousness is a state of mind. It’s based on the law of physics that states "like energy attracts like energy".. [read more]

Relationship addiction - In relationship addiction, the relationship or the need for romance is all consuming. Nothing else in life has equal importance... [read more]

Self-help - Self-help is an important capacity to cope with the challenges of life. Self-help requires that you have the appropriate tools for it... [read more]

Self-help - I offer background information and courses that you can use for free to deal with a broad range of subjects... [read more]

Success - It is not by accident who resides on the sunny side and the shadow side of the street. You find the key to success in what you think all day... [read more]

Vision for life - A vision for life may be like a key word that runs like a red thread through many of your experiences... [read more]

Dr Ulla Sebastian Personal Growth Resources
Stettiner Str. 3
59174 Kamen
Tel: +49 (0) 23 07 7 35 45
Fax: +49 (0) 2307 55 30 03

Other Websites and Pages (in German):

Kontaktformular | Bücher & Verkauf | Buchempfehlungen | Impressum

Visioform.com/de | Fernkurse-fuers-leben.de | Ulla-Sebastian.de

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